Note: higher is the resolution + straighter are the lines + more well-formed are the letters/figures + more uniform and white is the background = better would be the OCR result . You can check the extracted data in the HTML produced document, and fix it in the home-page's editor. The parsing and events extraction are made on a line-by-line basis.
Purpose You sometime see somewhere on the internet a set of dates you would like to not miss. Your favorite local foot team matches, a list of concerts, your national team playoffs meetings, your association upcoming events...
Help/How Tos
html2ical, the free HTML to iCalendar (iCal/.ics) converter. Help/How Tos FAQ Feedback/Contact Ready Made iCals About. All explanations about the on-line tool.
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User Guide
Visualizing, checking and editing the extracted events Once the process has ended, in a new page, the source data is shown in a background frame (in its original form, as much as possible, or, when applicable, as converted by the conversion function, eg, by OCR, PDF to Text...; zoomed out to allow an overview of the document, notably for coverage checking with highlight function).