Setup Mini vMac for Windows
Run the Mini vMac executable and once again drag "System Startup" into the vMac screen. Also drag "024M.dsk" onto the screen. This disk should show up in the Mac OS as a disk called "untitled." Inside of the Mac OS double click on "System Startup" and then on "Installer" to begin installing the Mac OS. Click "OK" on the ...
Setup Basilisk II for Windows
Download that file to Windows and drag it into your disk image via the "This PC" icon (sometimes called "My Computer"). Run the installer. I've written a few other guides for Basilisk II. You might want to read about getting online, or about some good software for the emulated 68K Macintosh. Check out the articles page for other guides.
SheepShaver is an open source PowerPC Apple Macintosh emulator. Using SheepShaver (along with the appropriate ROM image) it is possible to emulate a PowerPC Macintosh computer capable of running Mac OS 7.5.2 through 9.0.4. Builds of SheepShaver are available for Mac OS X, Windows and Linux.. SheepShaver is considered a good replacement for the Classic Environment which is not available in the ...
68K Macintosh Software
You need to use Stuffit Expander 5.5 to expand archived files. If you use HFV Explorer to transfer that file to your disk image, you can solve the problem of expanding the archive of Stuffit in the first place. Some archives will require Stuffit plus DropStuff 5.5.Stuffit will tell you if DropStuff is necessary. If you want a sort of tabbed dock in System 7, try Dragthing 2.9.
All Downloads
Basilisk II GUI for Mac OS X 10.6 and 10.7 Basilisk II Disk Image Chooser (for the Mac OS X port) Cider Press 3.0 (for use with kegs) CopyROM(for use with this guide) DMG2ISO (includes a graphical frontend) GTK +2 Runtime (needed for SheepShaver and Basilisk II for Windows) HFVExplorer 1.31 (useful for every emulator) HFS Disk Maker (tool for ...