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Sykkuno often plays Codenames in between other party games with his friends. He is known for his calm and kind personality, his family's adorable poodle named Bimbus, and his risky Among Us moves. Fun fact: Sykkuno was first introduced to Codenames by his uncle! Time Zone: Pacific Time. Usually Streams Codenames: In the evenings
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What is the difference between classic Codenames and Codenames Duet? In classic Codenames, red and blue teams compete over who will guess all their words first. Each team has a spymaster who gives clues and operatives who try to guess them. In Codenames Duet, players form two teams as well, but the teams play together against the game. While ...
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Codenames Online and Letter Jam Online website is run by Czech Games Edition s.r.o. with the following address: Za cernym mostem 1150/1c, 198 00, Praha 14 - Hloubetin, Czech Republic.. You can contact us on When you subscribe to our newsletter, we will send you an occasional email to let you know about the newest features and other news related to Codenames Online ...