1. Org Roam BibTeX has been upgraded to v0.6, which is compatible with Org-roam v2. Please read carefully this README file and the manual and adjust your configuration files accordingly. In particular, pay attention that the variable orb-templates has been deprecated in favour of org-roam-capture-templates, which in Org-roam v2 has a different list structure.
  2. commonplace.doubleloop.net

    Figuring out org-roam-bibtex * planted: 04/11/2022 last tended: 11/12/2022. So I'm reading academic papers more of late, and storing them in Zotero. ... So I think probably what org-roam-bibtex will add to the mix is that I will be able to cite my notes files on a particular resource. And still have it exported as citations of the referenced ...
  3. I'm trying to use bibtex citations in my relatively clean Doom installation. Cross referencing the various configurations is confusing me. Calling orb-insert-link doesn't respect the config set for bibtex-completion (which is what org-ref resolves to apparently).. Does anyone have a simple config with ORB working?
  4. Hi - managed to get basic org-roam config working based on couple configs I found via search. I can create notes and add links etc. And also have org-roam-bibtex working - picking refs and creating notes on specific ref. (I think it's working) Anyway - how do you access the capture templates?
  5. The citar-org-roam package includes a basic Org-roam capture template, but there are instructions for customizing it in the package README. I see your template includes a #+filetags: line, so you might want to look into this. The reference takes the :ROAM_REFS: @citekey form, which works fine per the Org
  6. org-roam.discourse.group

    Hi everyone, last Friday I finally committed last necessary changes to make Org Roam BibTeX (ORB) fully compatible with Org Roam v2. These changes live in the org-roam-v2 branch and are also tagged as v0.6.0-pre. There have been a few significant changes. For example, there is no such thing as orb-templates anymore - one is supposed to use org-roam-capture-templates. The documentation has been ...
  7. org-roam.discourse.group

    Nov 21, 2023In my attempt to setup org-roam-bibtex, I quickly found out that there was no "good" guide that could quickly help me set up a bibliography system - with sane defaults - and get out of my way so that I can get on with my life; many guides that exist on the internet, are awfully outdated use deprecated variables that are not in existence ...
  8. daryl.wakatara.com

    Mar 30, 2023The additions to the existing org-roam needs three elements: Org-roam-Bibtex which has org-roam interact with the bibtex file mentioned above; org-ref with ivy-bibtex, and; A research "template" in org-roam which I use specifically for taking academic research information and to deal with separately

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