Dead Link Checker
Site check
Want to find broken links on your website for free? Check out this quick, easy to use broken link checker tool & identify 404 pages in no time.
Multi check
CREATE A FREE DEAD LINK CHECKER ACCOUNT: create Please enter a valid email address - this will be your customer ID and is the address that your dead link reports will be sent to. When you press 'create', you will be sent an email with instructions on how to complete the registration process.
Auto check
Please Note: Subscribing provides access to the Auto Check section of Dead Link Checker where you can configure your automatic scheduled scans. Auto Check will scan websites with many thousands of links as described above. The free interactive Site Check and Multi Check tools will still be limited to 2000 links.
Sites with lower rankings receive fewer visitors. Use to find broken links on your site so that they can be fixed, so restoring the site's rankings and attracting more web traffic. ... ' section in the scheduled scan editor where you can specify a list of strings that will be used to prevent specific URLs from being checked ...
Welcome to Dead Link Checker's online resources. Here you will find plenty of tools, tips and techniques, related to maintaining a healthy website.
DLC Websites, the new owner of In August 2017 changed ownership, from Traffic Names Ltd to DLC Websites.