1. The first version of In and Against the State was published as a pamphlet in 1979; then reissued with minor updates to the original text, and a substantial postscript the next year. The authors of In and Against the State were Jeanette Mitchell, Donald Mackenzie, John Holloway, Cynthia Cockburn, ...
  2. s3.amazonaws.com

    1. In the State 7 2. The Predicament 38 3. Understanding the Capitalist State 47 4. Crisis 56 5. Against the State 68 6. Oppositional Possibilities Now 83 POSTSCRIPT 1. Living the Crisis 99 2. The New Mode of Domination 103 3. Anger, Resistance and the Making of Socialism 119 Interview with John McDonnell (2021) 135 Index 151
  3. socratic-method.com

    Dec 10, 2023The quote by Benito Mussolini, 'All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state,' is a concise and powerful expression of his fascist ideology. In straightforward terms, the quote suggests that the state is the ultimate authority and that everything and everyone should be subject to its control.
  4. goodreads.com

    An underappreciated text which uses a semi-inquiry method through discussion with various socialists involved in the state in some way or another - either as an employee or someone on the receiving end of certain state welfare institutions - which attempts to start formulating an answer to the difficult and still pertinent question of how revolutionary communists should approach the state.
  5. Against the State is written by Lew Rockwell, the founder of the Mises Institute and LewRockwell.com, and the closest friend and associate of Murray Rothbard, the leading theorist of anarcho-capitalism. Rockwell applies Rothbard's combination of individualist anarchism and Austrian economics to contemporary America. The book shows how the ...
  6. leftbookclub.com

    Originally published as a pamphlet in 1979, In and Against the State brought together questions of working-class struggle and state power, exploring how revolutionary socialists might reconcile working in the public sector with their radical politics. Informed by autonomist political ideas and practices that were central to the protests of 1968 ...
  7. theatlantic.com

    1 day agoAn American flag is flown upside-down during a "No Kings Day" protest on Presidents' Day in Washington, D.C., in support of federal workers and against recent actions by President Donald Trump and ...

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