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HTML - CSS Tutorial - W3Schools
CSS - CSS Tutorial - W3Schools
CSS has properties for specifying the margin for each side of an element: margin-top; margin-right; margin-bottom; margin-left; All the margin properties can have the following values: auto - the browser calculates the margin; length - specifies a margin in px, pt, cm, etc.
Grid Intro
CSS Grid Layout. The Grid Layout Module offers a grid-based layout system, with rows and columns. The Grid Layout Module allows developers to easily create complex web layouts. The Grid Layout Module makes it easier to design a responsive layout structure, without using float or positioning. The CSS grid properties are supported in all modern ...
The float Property. The float property is used for positioning and formatting content e.g. let an image float left to the text in a container.. The float property can have one of the following values:. left - The element floats to the left of its container; right - The element floats to the right of its container; none - The element does not float (will be displayed just where it occurs in the ...
Exercise - CSS Tutorial - W3Schools