Org mode uses #+BEGIN … #+END blocks for many purposes. Some of the basic blocks types quote, example, and src. If all you need is monospace text, you can use an example block. #+begin_example monospace #+end_example. However, example blocks do not give you the power of Org babel. For that you need a source block.
Org Mode
Org mailing list is the central place where to connect with Org community. You can subscribe to the list and browse the list archive on or on this mailman page.. If you are not a subscriber to the list, you can still send an email to, we will add you to the whitelist of people who can reach the list.. You can read more on the mailing list and more ...
Woof! Watch Over Our Folders. With closed? Filter.
1.1 Summary ¶. Org Mode is an authoring tool and a TODO lists manager for GNU Emacs. It relies on a lightweight plain-text markup language used in files with the '.org' extension. Authoring Org files is best supported by Emacs, but you can view, understand, and change them with any text editor.
Org: an Emacs Mode for Notes, Planning and Authoring
Org-mode is a powerful system for organizing your complex life with simple plain-text files. It seamlessly integrates all your notes, mindmaps, TODO lists, calendar, day planner, and project schedules into a single system that can be easily searched (e.g. by grep), encrypted (e.g. by GnuPG), backed up and synced, imported/exported, and accessed on the go (e.g. on an iPhone or Android smartphone).