Pleco Software
The basic version of Pleco is a free download, and includes our full dictionary search engine, a couple of very nice dictionaries, a light version of our document reader function (tap-lookup text in the clipboard), basic audio support, and no advertising.
Pleco for Android
The current version of Pleco for Android is designed to work on devices running Android 4.0 or later. We don't support very small / low-resolution screens either, but there are relatively few devices in circulation with those that run Android 4.
Our Story Pleco Software was founded in May of 2000 by Michael Love. Michael had spent most of the year living and studying in China, and having a rather poor memory he found it extremely difficult to expand his vocabulary in Chinese, particularly since every time he forgot a word it would take him several minutes to look it up in a traditional paper-based Chinese dictionary. Inspired by a ...
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Welcome to the Pleco Store! Note: our products are also available as in-app purchases (in the "Add-ons" screen) in versions of our app download from the App Store (iOS) and Google Play (Android). New Customer (haven't bought any add-ons yet)
No, but our long-awaited "Pleco 4.0" update will make a lot of moves towards being language-neutral, so while we may not offer any Pleco-developed Japanese dictionary add-ons, it should be easy to produce a Japanese user dictionary that performs well and juggles native Japanese features correctly. (we're even supporting custom collators, so if you want search results in that new Hungarian dictionary add-on you're developing to group O/Ó together but sort Ö after all other O's, we ...
Pleco for iOS
Pleco for iOS should work on any model of iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad running iOS version 11.2 or later. Pleco is a "Universal" app and works in full-screen resolution on the iPad; we've even enhanced the user interface for iPad in a few places, it really makes our document reader function sing.