Slicing Pie
The Pie Slicer follows the Slicing Pie formula. Slicing Pie is a universal formula for creating a perfectly fair equity split in an early-stage, bootstrapped startup. Traditional, old-fashioned equity splits are based on guesses about the future, negotiation skills and rules-of-thumb.
Plans & PricingAll plans include unlimited team members and access to all available features.The online Pie Slicer application helps early-stage companies create a perfectly fair equity split. To learn more about Slicing Pie or the Pie Slicer online tool, please follow the links below:LEARN ABOUT SLICING PIELEARN
Learn Slicing Pie
Slicing Pie is not complicated. It is a simple formula based on the principle that a person's % share of the equity should always be equal to that person's share of the at-risk contributions. At-risk contributions include time, money, ideas, relationships, supplies, equipment, facilities or anything else
Lawyers & Contracts
Slicing Pie Founders Agreements, Contracts and Lawyers Although Slicing Pie is a universal, one-size-fits-all model for determining a perfectly fair equity split, implementing it really depends on your startup's local legal and tax environment. Rules throughout the world can be extremely nuanced and it is always
Complete Slicing Pie Course
Complete Course on How Slicing Pie Works. Learn the secrets used by thousands of startups all over the world to create a perfectly fair equity split.Only $75...cheaper than the average hourly rate for a lawyer!Allocation LogicLearn how to ensure that each person on your startup team has exactly the right share of the
Mike Moyer is an entrepreneur who has started a number of companies including Bananagraphics, a product development and merchandising company, Moondog, an outdoor clothing manufacturing company,. Vicarious Communication, Inc, a marketing technology company for the medical industry;, a site that helps students find the right college; and College Peas, LLC which provides publications ...