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Display Language

Changes the language for elements like buttons, settings, and labels

Safe Search

Omits objectionable (mostly adult) material

Instant Answers

Automatically open relevant Instant Answers

Infinite Scroll for Images, Videos, and Shopping

Loads more results in Images, Videos, and Shopping when scrolling

Infinite Scroll

Loads more results when scrolling

Autocomplete Suggestions

Shows suggestions under the search box as you type

Open Links in a New Tab

Opens results in new windows/tabs


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Keyboard Shortcuts

Enables keyboard shortcuts on the site

Units of Measure

Preferred units of measure


Prompt me to use my approximate location to get nearby results.

Map Rendering

The rendering method to use for interactive maps

Page Break Numbers

Shows page numbers at result page breaks

Page Break Lines

Shows horizontal lines at result page breaks

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Privacy Newsletters

Shows sign-up form for the DuckDuckGo privacy newsletters

Shows occasional reminders to sign up for the DuckDuckGo privacy newsletters

Homepage Privacy Tips

Shows the privacy benefits of using DuckDuckGo on the homepage

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It's okay to (very infrequently) ask me about my experience using DuckDuckGo


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