Fallon Fox, the first MMAfighter to come out as transgender, once fractured the skull of her opponent in an MMA fight in 2014. Your login session has expired. Please logout and login again.
But of course we don't see "unfair MMAfighterbreaks opponent's skull" when there's a broken nose. Fallon Fox defeated one opponent in 39 seconds This is a true statement.
A Facebook post says, "Fallon (Fox), a transgender MMAfighter, has now broken 2 female opponents' skulls," and shows a photo of Fox alongside an MMAfighter with a severely bloodied face.
Apr 7, 2023"Fallon Fox, a transgender MMAfighter, has now broken 2 female opponents' skulls. A man beating on women and named "Bravest Athlete" in 2020. The hate for women is real."
Apr 7, 2023"Fallon Fox, a transgender MMAfighter, has now broken 2 female opponent's skulls. A man beating on women and named "Bravest Athlete" in 2020. The hate for women is real."
Dec 2, 2023People who oppose trans women in female sports obfuscate the conversation with the word 'skull,' and Fallon Fox's MMA career in particular. Power 100 Coming Out Stories
Broken bones and concussions are not uncommon in MMA. The people looking to ban trans women from women's sports quickly twisted that into the misleading headline: Transgender MMAFighterBreaks ...
Fallon Fox came out as transgender on March 5, 2013, during an interview with Outsports writer Cyd Zeigler and Sports Illustrated, following her two initial professional fights in the women's division. [5] [6] Controversy swelled over confusion with the California State Athletic Commission (CSAC) and Florida's athletic commission over the licensing process Fox chose to complete in Coral Gables.
Apr 8, 2023TransMMAFighter Defends Themself Against False Claim of Breaking Two Opponents' Skulls During the Fight ... as well. However, recently, they have been accused by a doctor of breaking two of their opponent's skulls. Former UFC fighter, Kayla Hansen, one of the two ... "Transphobes are AGAIN using fake photos to say I broke the skull of ...
Apr 17, 2023MMAfighter Ross Johnson has been charged with manslaughter after killing an airman in a fight outside of a Florida bar, according to Global News.Johnson punched the man behind the ear and did not seek help for him, telling a witness, "I think I killed him," Daily Mail reported. The Facebook video appears to show Fox throwing an opponent to the floor before a referee steps in. Fox is then ...
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