Video Oficial De La DiosaDeLos CorazonesPina RecordsArtista: Lobo Ft. Rakim, Ken-Y, Zion, Lennox y ArcangelTema: DiosaDeLosCorazones (Official Video)Pro...
Pina Records Presenta: La Fórmula The Company (simply known as La Fórmula) is a compilation album by various artists, released under the Pina label on August 21, 2012. The album contains tracks by Zion & Lennox, Plan B, RKM & Ken-Y, Arcángel, Lobo, and Jalil Lopez, who were part of Pina's roster at the time, as well as guest appearances by Daddy Yankee, Yomo, Jory of Nova & Jory, Don Omar ...
[Letra de "DiosaDeLosCorazones"] [Intro: Ken-Y & Zion] (Bailando) (Bailando) Ella va moviendo con dulzura su cuerpo Me envuelve y me deja sediento Se va, como si se la llevara el viento Como ...
La Fórmula is the first studio album by Pina Records' super-group La Fórmula featuring Zion & Lennox, Plan B, R.K.M & Ken-Y, Arcángel, Lobo and Jalil Lopez.It was released on August 21, 2012 ...
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