Lonely at the Top
"Lonely at the Top" is the eighth episode of the American drama television series The Morning Show, inspired by Brian Stelter's 2013 book Top of the Morning. The episode was written by supervising producer JC Lee, and directed by Michelle MacLaren. It was released on Apple TV+ on December 6, 2019. The series follows the characters and culture behind a network broadcast morning news program, The Morning Show. After allegations of sexual misconduct, the male co-anchor of the program, Mitch Kessler, is forced off the show. It follows Mitch's co-host, Alex Levy, and a conservative reporter Bradley Jackson, who attracts the attention of the show's producers after a viral video. In the episode, flashbacks depict Mitch's mid-life crisis during his tenure in the show in 2017. The episode received generally positive reviews from critics, who praised the performances and themes. Wikipedia