1. psycnet.apa.org

    The definition of "critical thinking" used for construction of the Halpern Critical Thinking Assessment characterizes critical thinking as those cognitive skills or strategies that increase the probability of a desirable outcome. They are purposeful, reasoned, and goal directed. Critical thinking is the kind of thinking involved in solving ...
  2. researchgate.net

    In choosing an assessment test, it is essential to map the test used with what it taught in one's critical thinking class. Because the Halpern Critical Thinking Assessment test did not cover the ...
  3. sciencedirect.com

    The Halpern Critical Thinking Assessment is a reliable and valid measure of critical thinking. This set of studies expanded the cross-national applications of the assessment, and added a new perspective to traditional validation measures, such as academic aptitude and performance. Furthermore, this research might provide higher education with a ...
    Author:Heather A. Butler, Christopher P. Dwyer, Michael J. Hogan, Amanda Helena Rodrigues Franco, Silvia F....Published:2012
  4. research.utwente.nl

    Halpern Critical Thinking Assessment Validity Reliability a b s t r a c t Critical thinking is a vital component of 21st century skills. To assess this skill, a valid and reliable instrument is needed. This study focuses on the psychometric properties of the Dutch version of the Halpern Critical Thinking Assessment (HCTA). The HCTA was admin ...
  5. The Halpern Critical Thinking Assessment (HCTA) is a reliable measure of critical thinking that has been validated with numerous qualitatively different samples and measures of academic success (Halpern, 2010a). This paper presents several cross-national applications of the assessment, and recent work to expand the validation of the HCTA with real-world outcomes of critical thinking (e.g ...
    Author:Heather A. Butler, Christopher P. Dwyer, Michael J. Hogan, Amanda Helena Rodrigues Franco, Silvia F....Published:2012
  6. files.eric.ed.gov

    Assessing Critical Thinking in Higher Education Table 2 Continued Test Vendor Format Delivery Length Formsanditems Themes/topics HalpernCritical Thinking Assessment (HCTA) Schuhfried Publishing,Inc. Forcedchoice(MC, ranking,or ratingof alternatives)and open-ended Computerbased 60-80min,buttest isuntimed (FormS1) 20min,buttestis untimed (FormS2)
  7. academia.edu

    The Halpern Critical Thinking Assessment (HCTA) is a reliable measure of critical thinking that has been validated with numerous qualitatively different samples and measures of academic success (Halpern, 2010a). This paper presents several cross-national applications of the assessment, and recent work to expand the validation of the HCTA with ...
  8. researchgate.net

    The Halpern Critical Thinking Assessment (HCTA) is a reliable measure of critical thinking skills and has been validated with multiple populations and measures of academic success. This study ...
  9. sciencedirect.com

    The Halpern Critical Thinking Assessment is the only assessment that involves both recognition and recall. In the face of a need for adequate instruments to assess critical thinking, the potential raised by the HCTA's format - which considers both behavioral and motivational components of critical thinking, combines open and multiple-choice ...
  10. psycnet.apa.org

    The Halpern Critical Thinking Assessment (HCTA) is a reliable measure of critical thinking skills and has been validated with multiple populations and measures of academic success. This study explored whether scores on the HCTA predicted real-world outcomes in a wide range of domains, such as education, health, law, finance, and interpersonal ...
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