And if you're one of the people who sees this problem even when holding the phone gently, put your iPhone 4 in a protective case -- or add a strip of black electrical tape to the lower left edge ...
Jobs' condescending response that essentially stated "You'reholdingitwrong" eventually became a meme in itself. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev looks at an iPhone 4 with Apple CEO Steve Jobs.
"You'reholdingitwrong". Apple explained the issue and, instead of recalling every single iPhone 4, implored customers to simply hold their phone differently. When that was met with even more backlash, Apple introduced the Bumper , a case that wrapped around only the edges of the device and prevented users' hands from bridging the all ...
Dec 15, 2024Overview. iPhone 4 Death Grip refers to a widely experienced problem of reduced signal strength or dropped calls when holdingApple's iPhone 4 by the bottom of the device. On the same day of its release, the issue snowballed into a trending topic and a target for online mockeries after the transcript of a brief e-mail exchange between an iPhone user and Apple's co-founder Steve Jobs was ...
Apple's initial response - "Just avoid holdingit that way" - led to widespread mockery, and the phrase "you'reholdingitwrong" still sticks around whenever an Apple product has ...
Essentially, Apple is saying that the problem is how you hold your phone, and that the solution is to change that habit, or buy one of their cases. Admittedly, this isn't a problem that exists ...
Like a teenager on their first encounter with hormone-driven adventure into bedtime intimacy, Apple and Steve Jobs have basically told iPhone 4 users today that they're "doing it wrong."We're talking, of course, about the iPhone 4 and its apparent signal reception problem related to the the way you hold its metallic frame - the iPhone 4 "Death Grip," if you will.
Mar 29, 2024(Apple's initial response to annoyed iPhone 4 owners basically boiled down to "you'reholdingitwrong.") By being honest about the antenna problem, but standing by the iPhone 4, Jobs ...
If you ever experience this on your iPhone 4, avoid gripping it in the lower left corner in a way that covers both sides of the black strip in the metal band, or simply use one of many available cases. I generally support Apple (check my comments if you think I'm trollin), but something about that rubs me the wrong way.