1. Oct 25, 2023Consequences of Blind Faith: 3.1. Stifled Progress: Blind adherence to religious doctrine can stifle progress in various fields. Science, for example, has faced resistance and opposition from...
  2. albertellis.org

    Throughout history, and certainly in more recent times, we have example after example of dogmatic belief(s) resulting in unfortunate outcomes. We see it in our government, in our religion, and in our relationships. When we hold dogmatic beliefs, we essentially close our minds to alternative perspectives and opinions.
  3. helpfulprofessor.com

    Aug 28, 2023This refers to extreme forms of dogmatism found in rigidly controlled religious or social groups commonly referred to as cults. Within these groups, dogmatic adherence to a particular set of beliefs or instructions from a charismatic leader is expected and even demanded, often to the detriment of members' well-being.
  4. academic.oup.com

    For instance, Christopher Hitchens, penned in his book God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything that "religion even at its meekest has to admit that what it is proposing is a 'total' solution, in which faith must be to some extent blind, and in which all aspects of the private and public life must be submitted to a permanent...
  5. americanhumanistcenterforeducation.org

    Furthermore, we are often blind to our own dogmatic beliefs. This talk will discuss what evidence we have so far from neuroscience and social psychology about how people from dogmas and delusions. As with many aspects of our current human condition, the roots lie in our recent evolutionary adaptations for small group living scaled up hastily to...
  6. thewitness.org

    Mar 12, 2024By grappling with the tough questions of faith, theologians can help people navigate complex ethical and moral issues, and offer guidance for living a life of faith and integrity. In summary, dogmatic theology remains an important field of study for those interested in understanding the beliefs and practices of world religions, and for those...
  7. munaeem.medium.com

    Dec 9, 2023Dogmas are prevalent in major religions such as Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and Hinduism. These beliefs are typically derived from the teachings of the religion's founder(s) and are frequently recorded in sacred texts. Dogmas serve as a set of principles or doctrines that guide the religious practices and beliefs of adherents.
  8. wheelermethodist.org

    In a rapidly changing world, the term dogma often emerges in discussions about belief systems and ideologies. Defined as a set of principles or doctrines that are established by an authority and considered incontrovertibly true, dogma can shape cultures, influence societies, and even dictate personal values.
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