Notepad++, a popular open source text under, is facing fury from Chinese users after making a political statement on the country's conflict. Yesterday, the Notepad++ project, which is ...
Indiquer dans le nom de version des éléments "politique" ne me dérange pas. Notepad++ lui appartient, il en fait ce qu'il en veut. Ça lui fait une magnifique tribune voilà tout. ... D'autres, utilisent leur notoriété pour exprimer leur avispolitique dans des tribunes prévues à cet effet et fait ainsi, cela ne me pose aucun soucis.
Attaque DDoS contre Notepad++ Don Ho, le concepteur du logiciel, explique les raisons de cette prise de position : « Les gens me diront encore une fois de ne pas mélanger la politique avec les ...
Aug 17, 2020The website of Notepad++ is banned in China as of Monday, "obviously due to" its release of editions named "Free Uyghur" and "Stand with Hong Kong," the source code and text editor ...
Jan 26, 2023I use my right of "freedom of speech" to submit this issue to the open source project notepad++. If you see this issue, please carefully consider what I said. Don't be a narrow-minded person, open your vision and pattern, and think about how to bring real benefits to the people on both sides of the Strait. With best wishes.
Nov 27, 2024Notepad++ v8.7.2: in a world of Elon, be a Zelensky. 2024-11-27. What kind of person can use such an arrogant and contemptuous attitude to insult a country that fights to protect its freedom, democracy and national dignity? I used to be a big fan of Elon Musk. Like most people, I admired many of his ideas and all his achievements, waiting for ...
La version 7.6.2 de l'éditeur de code open source pour Windows (Notepad++) est disponible depuis le premier jour de la nouvelle année. La liste des nouveautés les plus saillantes introduites avec cette nouvelle mouture tient en quelques lignes. Primo, Notepad++ 7.6.2 permet la génération de hash SHA-256. Secundo, l'éditeur se dote d'une nouvelle fonctionnalité de redimensionnement ...
In general, unless the API has changed (it hasn't), existing plugins don't have to be re-compiled. HexEditor seems to have been removed due to an inherent issue with the plugin that caused UDEF. And given that the original Notepad++ HexEditor plugin is essentially abandonware that only works with the x86 version, it's unlikely that it'll get ...
Notepad++ is a free, open source code editor. It is jampacked with standard features, it supports more than 50 programming, scripting and markup languages and including syntax highlighting and code folding. Notepad++ in general is good, but the biggest problem is the documentation, because is poor, particularly around the regex search/replace.