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    Ramana Maharshi

    Self-enquiry, also spelled self-inquiry, is the constant attention to the inner awareness of "I" or "I am" recommended by Ramana Maharshi as the most efficient and direct way of discovering the unreality of the "I"-thought. Ramana Mahirishi taught that the "I"-thought will disappear and only "I-I" or self-awareness remains. This results in an "effortless awareness of being", and by staying with it this "I-I" gradually destroys the vasanas "which cause the 'I'-thought to rise," and finally the 'I'-thought never rises again, which is Self-realization or liberation. Wikipedia

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  2. en.wikipedia.org

    Self-enquiry, also spelled self-inquiry (Sanskrit vichara, also called jnana-vichara [1] or ātma-vichār), is the constant attention to the inner awareness of "I" or "I am" recommended by Ramana Maharshi as the most efficient and direct way of discovering the unreality of the "I"-thought.
  3. lonerwolf.com

    Feb 17, 2023Technically, self-inquiry isn't a meditation, it's a way of life and one that is best incorporated into as many moments as possible. But we all know how difficult it can be to commit our energy to something, particularly in the beginning and especially if our life context doesn't permit that (e.g., working multiple jobs, struggling to find stable housing, taking care of children, etc.).
  4. siftingtothetruth.com

    Self-inquiry is the tip of a spear — as I use it here, it is a "technique" (I put quotes around it because it's not exactly a technique) taught by the Indian holy man and sage Ramana Maharshi — as the kind of distillation of the wisdom of advaita (that means "non-dual") Vedanta. Vedanta is the Hindu mystical tradition, and it ...
  5. Self-inquiry is the primary method through which Self-realization-- the realization of our true nature beyond mind and body--is achieved. Self-inquiry is mainly known today through the teachings of Ramana Maharshi (1878-1950), who made this approach accessible to the general public, offering it to any individual who was capable of receiving the ...
  6. (Nan Yar?) and Self Enquiry (Vichara Sangraham) with a focus on Self Enquiry and how to actually put the method into practice. In order to do this, we will also look at some of the underpinning theory and also some practical points as to how this can be put into practice in daily life. Bold type and headings have been added by myself.
  7. davidgodman.org

    Self-enquiry should not be regarded as a meditation practice that takes place at certain hours and in certain positions; it should continue throughout one's waking hours, irrespective of what one is doing. Sri Ramana saw no conflict between working and self-enquiry and he maintained that with a little practice it could be done under any ...
  8. berkeleywellbeing.com

    Ramana Maharshi's sudden realization (or enlightenment) led to his teaching of a practice called self-inquiry. In self-inquiry, we ask ourselves who is the seer (or the awareness that views all of our experiences). Most of Maharshi's teachings ask people to look at that seer (or witness) of all of our experiences (Maharshi, 1985 ...
  9. hridaya-yoga.com

    The path of Self-Inquiry is an elimination of all that is known, as for the moment, the direct knowledge of the Supreme Self's true nature is missing. Only by eliminating what is known (our thoughts, perceptions, and emotions) will it be possible to reveal the Ultimate "I," the Eternal Present. Thus, we immerse ourselves in an awareness ...
  10. sriramanamaharishi.com

    ஸ்ரீ ரமண மஹரிஷி (Sri Ramana Maharshi)

    https://sriramanamaharishi.com › self-enquiry › what-is-self-enquiry-how-to-do-it-1

    To keep the mind constantly turned within and to abide thus in the Self, is alone Atma- vichara (Self-enquiry), whereas dhyana (meditation) consists in fervent contemplation of the Self as Sat-Chit-Ananda (Being- Consciousness-Bliss). ~~~~~ Sri Ramana Gita. M: Self-Enquiry is not intellectual. It is inward and subtle.

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