Jul 24, 2012Nobody embodies this species of blatant corruption more purely than the senior Democratic Senator from California and Intelligence Committee Chairwoman, DianneFeinstein, who also serves as the ...
Sep 23, 2007Feinstein represents a deep blue state and was just easily re-elected to her third term last year. She won't run for re-election, if she ever does, until 2012, when she will be 80 years old.
Mar 20, 2014Sen. DianneFeinstein suggested last Tuesday that the CIA's search of computers used by the committee during its investigation into the CIA's own activities in the post-9/11 era may have"violated ...
Mar 13, 2014As Feinstein pointed out, "the CIA hired a team of outside contractors -- who otherwise would not have had access to these sensitive documents -- to read, multiple times, each of the 6.2 million ...
Mar 11, 2014On the same day that Senate Intelligence Committee chair DianneFeinstein slammed the CIA for spying on a Congressional investigation, whistle-blower Edward Snowden spoke out publicly again to ...
Feb 21, 2015On March 11, 2014, California Sen. DianneFeinstein stepped to the well of the Senate to deliver a speech exposing in stark terms a struggle between congressional investigators and their oversight ...
Mar 11, 2018The latter involved widespread corruption within an LAPD anti-gang unit that implicated more than 70 officers, costing the city an estimated $125 million in settlements and placing the LAPD under ...
Oct 29, 2013Senate Intelligence Committee Chairwoman DianneFeinstein, D-Calif., has been a fierce defender of the National Security Agency's sprawling dragnet surveillance programs, writing and speaking in ...
Jul 2, 2012Feinstein's decades-long record in the Senate strongly suggest that she would perceive these severe threats to press freedom as a benefit rather than drawback to her prosecution designs.
Jan 6, 2009Tuesday, Feinstein spoke with both President-elect Barack Obama and Vice President-elect Joe Biden and her office released a new statement in which she took a more neutral position, but she still ...
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