Oct 25, 2017Former president GeorgeH.W. Bush has responded after an actress alleged that he touched her inappropriately while he was sitting in his wheelchair during a photo op that took place a few years ago.
Nov 13, 2017Former President GeorgeH.W. Bush is facing allegations that he squeezed a teenager's buttocks in 2003. ... New Yorker: 6 women accuse CBS CEO of sexualharassment 07:46 Now playing ...
Nov 16, 2017Former President GeorgeH.W. Bush is facing new allegations from a Michigan woman who said he touched her inappropriately while he was in office at an event in April 1992.
Oct 25, 2017GeorgeH.W. Bush. The 41st president of the United States apologized to an actress after she wrote in a now-deleted Instagram post that Bush sexually assaulted her while she posed for a picture ...
Oct 27, 2017At least three women have accused former President GeorgeH.W. Bush of inappropriately touching them as of Friday. Actress Jordana Grolnick, actress Heather Lind and a third woman who wishes to ...
Nov 14, 2017Former President GeorgeH.W. Bush is facing new allegations that he squeezed a teenager's buttocks in 2003. At least three other women have shared similar stories. CNN's Athena Jones reports.
Oct 26, 2017Former President GeorgeH.W. Bush has responded after an actress alleged that he touched her inappropriately while he was sitting in his wheelchair during a photo op that took place a few years ago.
Oct 27, 2022In its wake, countless people came forward with stories of sexual abuse - accusing high-profile men from former president GeorgeH. W. Bush to actor Kevin Spacey of various kinds of sexual ...
Oct 3, 2018Thomas, nominated by Republican President GeorgeH.W. Bush to succeed Justice Thurgood Marshall, categorically denied the sexualharassment claims of Anita Hill, with whom he had worked at the ...
Oct 30, 2017At least nine well-known powerful men have been accused of various forms of sexual assault, including former President GeorgeH.W. Bush, Hollywood producer James Toback and journalist and author ...
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