White House Plumbers is an American satirical political drama television miniseries created and written by Alex Gregory and Peter Huyck and directed by David Mandel, based on the 2007 book Integrity by Egil Krogh and Matthew Krogh. The series stars Woody Harrelson, Justin Theroux, Domhnall Gleeson, Kiernan Shipka, and Lena Headey and it premiered on HBO on May 1, 2023.Wikipedia
WhiteHousePlumbers: Created by Alex Gregory, Peter Huyck. With Woody Harrelson, Justin Theroux, Lena Headey, Domhnall Gleeson. A five-part series that tells the true story of how Nixon's own political saboteurs and Watergate masterminds, E. Howard Hunt and G. Gordon Liddy, accidentally toppled the presidency they were trying to protect.
(11K)Released:May 1, 2023Genre:Biography, Drama, History
A year before the Watergate break-in, E. Howard Hunt and G. Gordon Liddy are tasked with investigating the Pentagon Papers leak, gathering a team of Cubans
A five-part series that tells the true story of how Nixon's own political saboteurs and Watergate masterminds, E. Howard Hunt and G. Gordon Liddy, accidentally toppled the presidency they were trying to protect.
WhiteHousePlumbers is a five part HBO mini-series based on the actual historical events when Nikon's own saboteurs got caught during Watergate Scandel. E. Howard Hunt who is played by Woody Harrelson and G. Gordon Libby played by Justin Theroux are former FBI agents who are hired by Nixon to break-in to Watergate to steal or to overhear the Democratic parties strategies. Unfortunately they ...
The series draws its narrative thread from the book Integrity: Good People, Bad Choices, and Life Lessons From the WhiteHouse by Egil "Bud" Krogh, a figure in the scandal who is actually part of the real-life cast and characters of WhiteHousePlumbers.
HBO finally announces premiere date for 'WhiteHousePlumbers': Watch the new trailer HBO has finally revealed its release plans for the limited series " WhiteHousePlumbers ." The five-episode show created, written, and executive produced by showrunners Alex Gregory and Peter Huyck and directed by David Mandel (all Emmy winners for " Veep ") will debut on May 1.
A five-part series that tells the true story of how Nixon's own political saboteurs and Watergate masterminds, E. Howard Hunt and G. Gordon Liddy, accidentally toppled the presidency they were trying to protect.
"WhiteHousePlumbers" " WhiteHousePlumbers ", directed by David Mandel, is a new five-episode TV series, following 'Watergate' masterminds, ' E. Howard Hunt ' (Woody Harrelson) and ' G. Gordon Liddy ' (Justin Theroux), as they accidentally topple Nixon's presidency, streaming March 2023 on HBO Max:
Logline: WhiteHousePlumbers tells the story of how Nixon's own political saboteurs and Watergate masterminds, E. Howard Hunt (Woody Harrelson) and G. Gordon Liddy (Justin Theroux), accidentally toppled the presidency they were zealously trying to protect.
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