Disbursement of the surplus will be a main task for the Texas Legislature when it convenes for the new session, ... Projected 2024-25 TexasBudgetSurplus Now $32.7 Billion, Comptroller's Update Estimates ... The historic Texasbudgetsurplus estimate has grown even larger as Comptroller Glenn Hegar announced a $5 billion increase in an ...
Mar 21, 2023Hegar also pointed to spikes in energy and gas prices for some of the surplus. In total, lawmakers will have about $188 billion in revenue to spend for the 2024-25 biennium, an increase of 26% ...
Jan 13, 2025He suggested the budgetsurplus should be solely used "for the purpose of property tax relief and a path to the elimination of such an immoral tax." ... This serves as a $15.6 billion decrease from $39.43 billion in 2024-2025. Hegar assured that Texas was still "in good financial shape" despite the anticipated drop in its beginning ...
In July, Hegar said net general revenue-related collections were tracking with his office's 2024-2025 Certification Revenue Estimate with a forecasted surplus of $18.3 billion, The Center Square ...
Oct 6, 2023While Texans face economic difficulties, the state is expected to collect more than $18 billion in surplus funds following the 2024-2025 biennium. Comptroller Glenn Hegar released the state's Certification Revenue Estimate earlier this week, which lawmakers will reference when crafting legislation for the third special session.
Oct 5, 2023Texas will have an $18.6 billion surplus and avoid a recession, comptroller projects The updated comptroller's report raises the amount of revenue available to the state over the 2024-25 cycle ...
State Comptroller Glenn Hegar announced the updated budgetsurplus on the eve of the 88th Texas Legislature. He said lawmakers should consider spending the money on the state's electrical grid, port and water infrastructure and on salary increases for teachers and nurses.
By the Numbers: On Monday, Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar shared his projection for the 2024-25 biennium budget cycle: $188.2 billion: General revenue available for the state; 26% increase: Additional amount from the last budget cycle; $32.7 billion: Budgetsurplus expected by the end of fiscal year 2023
Jul 31, 2024Discover the key takeaways from the Texas Legislative Budget Board's Fiscal Size-Up for 2024-25, including historical budget increases, public education funding concerns, and expert analysis on future fiscal strategies. ... All of this happened with the backdrop of an over $32 billion budgetsurplus (i.e. over-collected taxpayer money ...
On Monday, Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar announced a Biennial Revenue Estimate of $188 billion available for general-purpose spending during the 2024-25 budget period, a 26-percent increase over 2022-23 revenue. The new estimate includes a record $32.69 billion budgetsurplus.