Robert Scoble is an American blogger, technical evangelist, and author. Scoble is best known for his blog, Scobleizer, which came to prominence during his tenure as a technology evangelist at Microsoft. He later worked for Fast Company as a video blogger, and then Rackspace and the Rackspace-sponsored community site Building 43 promoting breakthrough technology and startups.Wikipedia
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RobertScoble (born January 18, 1965) is an American blogger, technical evangelist, and author.Scobleis best known for his blog, Scobleizer, which came to prominence during his tenure as a technology evangelist at Microsoft.He later worked for Fast Company as a video blogger, and then Rackspace and the Rackspace-sponsored community site Building 43 promoting breakthrough technology and startups.
We live in truly amazing times. Consider just a few data points: There are now more mobile phones on the planet than there are human beings. An estimated 100,000 mobile app publishers have already released more than a million different apps, which have collectively been downloaded more than 45 billion times, more than six apps for every man, woman and child alive today.
Jul 17, 2012I am thrilled to announce that RobertScoble and I are starting a new book. We will be using this site, as well as to collaborate with you in writing it. Our first book, Naked ...
I've known RobertScoble for a long time, nearly ten years. Shortly after I left the Financial Times in mid-2004 to become the first newspaper journalist to make a living as a blogger-journalist ...
Spatial Computing strategies and research (AI+AR+robots & autonomous vehicle). Had famous… · Experience: Scobleizer Inc · Education: San Jose State University · Location: San Jose · 500 ...
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Writer, interviewer and tech evangelist RobertScoble was back in Seattle this week, with his ever-present Google Glass, to promote the "Age of Context,"
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