Marxists Internet Archive › archive › marx › works › 1877 › anti-duhring
Subject Matter and Method
Subject Matter and Method - 1877: Anti-Duhring - Marxists Internet Archive
Theory of Force
Theory of Force - 1877: Anti-Duhring - Marxists Internet Archive
Notes by Engels
Anti-Dühring by Frederick Engels 1877. Engels' Notes *1 It is much easier, along with the unthinking mob à la Karl Vogt, to assail the old philosophy of nature than to appreciate its historical significance. It contains a great deal of nonsense and fantasy but not more than the unphilosophical theories of the empirical natural scientists contemporary with that philosophy, and that there was ...
Cosmogony, Physics, Chemistry
Anti-Dühring by Frederick Engels 1877 Part I: Philosophy. VI. Philosophy of Nature. Cosmogony, Physics, Chemistry. Passing on, we come now to the theories concerning the manner in which the present world came into existence.
What Herr Dühring Promises
Anti-Dühring by Frederick Engels 1877 Introduction. II. What Herr Dühring Promises. The writings of Herr Dühring with which we are here primarily concerned are his Kursus der Philosophie, his Kursus der National- und Sozialökonomie, and his Kritische Geschichte der Nationalökonomie und des Sozialismus. [28] The first-named work is the one which particularly claims our attention here.
Capital and Surplus-Value
Capital and Surplus-Value - 1877: Anti-Duhring - Marxists Internet Archive