1. Extended Object Tcl (for short: XOTcl, pronounced exotickle) is an object-oriented scripting language based on Tcl. It was originally designed for providing language support for design patterns and provides novel constructs such as filters or transitive mixin classes. ... Feb, 2000 XOTcl presented at USENIX Tcl/Tk Conference (see publications ...
  2. tutorialspoint.com

    Tcl/Tk Tutorial - Tcl is a general purpose multi-paradigm system programming language. It is a scripting language that aims at providing the ability for applications to communicate with each other. On the other hand, Tk is a cross platform widget toolkit used for building GUI in many languages. This tutorial covers v
  3. Language Overview XOTcl [Neumann and Zdun 2000a] is an extension to the object-oriented scripting language OTcl [Wetherall and Lindblad 1995] which itself extends Tcl [Ousterhout 1990] (Tool Command Language) with object-orientation. XOTcl is a value-added replacement for OTcl and does not require OTcl to compile. XOTcl runs in the tclsh and provides a few extension commands.
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  5. Curlie directory for category Computers: Programming: Languages: Tcl-Tk. Tcl stands for tool command language and is pronounced tickle. ... XOTcl 4 Related categories 10. Computers Programmin­g Languages Comparison and Review . 42. Computers ... Provides services for the Tcl programming language and extensions such as Tk and Expect.
  6. freecomputerbooks.com

    Tcl/Tk for Programmers is an introduction to the high-level Tcl/Tk scripting language for experienced programmers with either Unix or Windows background. The book includes a short introduction to TCP/IP, as well as longer introductions to writing client-side scripts and GUI interfaces, and integrating scripts with C/C++.
  7. wiki.tcl-lang.org

    Feb 3, 2024Computer science in a box Tcl source code is considered to be exemplary for those learning C. It provides illustrations of many fundamental and general computer science concepts. ... Tcl is not so much a programming language in the traditional sense. It is a set of primitives to pass data and control execution scope. ... Tcl/Tk looked good ...
  8. ee.columbia.edu

    This chapter describes the basic syntax rules for the Tcl scripting language. It describes the basic mechanisms used by the Tcl interpreter: substitution and grouping. It touches lightly on the following Tcl commands: puts , format , set , expr , string , while , incr , and proc . Tcl is a string-based command lan-guage.
  9. wiki.tcl-lang.org

    A virtual European Tcl Meetup is held monthly. For futher details see Monatlicher virtueller Tcl Stammtisch; Tcl Conferences has details of past Tcl conferences; Tcl/Tk 9.0.1 and 8.6.16 Released. The Tcl Core Team is pleased to announce the 9.0.1 and 8.6.16 releases of the Tcl dynamic language and the Tk toolkit.
  10. yurtseven.org

    The paper introduces per-object mixins as a new object-level language construct for object-based system composition. Per-object mixins are implemented in the scripting language XOTCL as a straightforward extension of its method chaining mechanism and ...
  11. en.wikibooks.org

    Although Tcl is a string based language there are quite a few object-oriented extensions for it like Snit, incr Tcl, and XOTcl to name a few. Tcl was originally developed as a reusable command language for experimental computer aided design (CAD) tools. The interpreter is implemented as a C library that could be linked into any application.

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