Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy › entries › neoplatonism
1. Origen's life and work. The Greek name Origenes signifies "born of Horus," an Egyptian falcon-headed deity. The Christian scholar of this name was a native of Alexandria (Eusebius, Church History 6.1), though it is only his detractor Epiphanius who says that he was also by race a Copt (Panarion 1.1). Eusebius records the jibe of the Neoplatonist Porphyry that Origen, though a Greek by ...
Pseudo-Dionysius The Areopagite
Dionysius, or Pseudo-Dionysius, as he has come to be known in the contemporary world, was a Christian Neoplatonist who wrote in the late fifth or early sixth century CE and who transposed in a thoroughly original way the whole of Pagan Neoplatonism from Plotinus to Proclus, but especially that of Proclus and the Platonic Academy in Athens, into a distinctively new Christian context.
Plutarch of Chaeronea in Boeotia (ca. 45-120 CE) was a Platonist philosopher, best known to the general public as author of his "Parallel Lives" of paired Greek and Roman statesmen and military leaders.He was a voluminous writer, author also of a collection of "Moralia" or "Ethical Essays," mostly in dialogue format, many of them devoted to philosophical topics, but not at all ...
Augustine, Saint
Bibliography Bibliographical tools General: Bulletin Augustinien, included in the second issue of each year of the Revue d'Études Augustiniennes et Patristiques. Reports and reviews all publications on Augustine that appeared during the year. Finding Augustine, an open access bibliographical collection on Augustine and his legacy produced by the Augustinian Historical Institute (Leuven ...
In the last chapter of the Guide (3.54), he claims that philosophy teaches that most of the things to which people direct their lives are " sheer fantasy" Just as Job came to see that the things he once valued are unimportant, philosophy teaches us to give up our obsession with money, garments, and land and focus attention on the eternal.
Strobino, Riccardo, 2019, "Varieties of Demonstration in Alfarabi," History & Philosophy of Logic, 40(1): 22-41. Thomann, Johannes, 2010-11, "Ein al-Fārābī zugeschriebener Kommentar zum Almagest (Ms. Tehran Maglis 6531)", Zeitschrift für Geschichte der arabisch-islamischen Wissenschaften, 19: 35-76.