New Topas Forum Software
As warned we've had to migrate the topas UNB forum to new hardware and new software. We lost three or four posts from early October in the process - please repost them if they were important. I think that peoples' accounts have migrated over succesfully, but there is a chance you will need to reregister. Hopefully you'll like the new flarum ...
K Factor Calculation Macro From Martin Fisch
Hello everyone, I tried to apply Martin Fisch's K factor macros on CPD-3 data but have some problems; could you please help me to fix it? where did I go wrong? how should we enter the XRF results?
Get Space Group Number
TOPAS forum get space group number. rowlesmr. Hi all Does anyone know of a way to get the number of a space group? Get(sp_grp_char) returns what ever was enter against the space_group keyword, be it number, or other designation. I'd like to get the number, irrespective of how the space group was entered. ...
Fixing End Points of The Background Fitting
TOPAS forum fixing end points of the background fitting. matsmcfly1. something that I can struggle with in Topas at times is fitting a nice background - does anyone have any tips/tricks to help with obtaining a nice background fit? Often I will have a decent fit, but then at the end (or start) it will be way to high (or low); in this situation ...
Web APP for Conversion of Z-matrices to Topas Rigid Bodies
Several years ago I wrote some sloppy python code which enabled Z-matrices in DASH format to be easily converted into TOPAS rigid bodies. I have had a few queries about the code, which I believe originated from this forum, so I hope this is the appropriate place to share a small update. ... Bugs to report; Requests for new features; Suggestions ...
Creating a New Instrument Model
TOPAS forum creating a new instrument model. matsmcfly1. we have an instrument that has recently been installed and I would like to create a new instrument model. I have collected capillary data on a NIST std (silicon) and will use this to refine the instrument parameters. ...