Report Number: V1.1: Keywords: EOSCpilot: Abstract: This report summarises the outcomes, recommendations and conclusions of the EOSCpilot WP7 on Skillsand Capability. The emerging EOSC ecosystem provides the context for a focus on developing the data stewardship skillsof researchers and professional groups supporting research, including data ...
This report summarises the outcomes, recommendations and conclusions of the EOSCpilot WP7 on Skillsand Capability. The emerging EOSC ecosystem provides the context for a focus on developing the data stewardship skillsof researchers and professional groups supporting research, including data stewards themselves. The report sets these against the broader landscape, with a brief recap and ...
This report summarises the outcomes, recommendations and conclusions of the EOSCpilot WP7 on Skillsand Capability. The emerging EOSC ecosystem provides t... D7.5: StrategyforSustainableDevelopmentofSkillsandCapabilities
The conclusions drawn from this report will also contribute to D7.5 FinalReport on EOSCstrategyforsustainabledevelopmentofskillsandcapabilities. | | Twitter: @eoscpiloteu | Linkedin: /eoscpiloteu 7 EOSCpilot D7.4 - Report on training workshops 2.4.
The EOSC landscape is evolving rapidly, with contributions, all aimed at building a strong and sustainable offer, including the March 2018 EC EOSC Implementation Roadmap5, the November 2018 finalreportof the second EOSC High Level Expert Group6, and the EOSCpilot project which ended in April 2019.
3 key words: Skills ; Competencies; CapabilitiesSkillsfor data experts; for data-knowledgeable ; in data stewardship Training is just one route for one of these Defining skills & competencies needed by people and capabilitiesof organisations Produce a framework to inform strategy -forEOSCand all who engage with it
The creation of an Advisory Groups must be approved by the EOSC-A General Assembly, but decisions on the Task Forces can be taken at the level of the Board of Directors. 1)Objective of Task Forces 30 January 2024 by EOSC-A Implementation of EOSC, Metadata and Data Quality, Research Careers and Curricula, Sustaining EOSCand
Jul 20, 2023Deliverables, publications, datasets, software, exploitable results. Log out. Logging out of EU Login will log you out of any other services that use your EU Login account.
• EOSC governance should ensure coordinated action amongst stakeholders in skillsdevelopment, sharing resources in a FAIR way, avoiding duplication • The registry should utilise metadata from the FAIR4S framework • Training as a service should be part of EOSCand provision should be from a wide variety of actors
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