MoonRay is released under the Apache License, Version 2.0, which is a free, open-source, and detailed software license developed and maintained by the Apache Software Foundation.. Contributor License Agreement. Developers who wish to contribute code to be considered for inclusion in the MoonRay distribution must first complete Contributor License Agreement and submit it to
Documentation for DreamWorks Animation's open-source MoonRay Production Renderer.
MoonRay does not include direct support for commercially available hair geometry tools. DreamWorks uses internal tools with associated geometry procedurals. MoonRay can render curves directly via a provided RDLCurvesGeometry procedural that accepts a list of curves/vertices.
MoonRay additionally supports resume of a checkpoint for either adding more samples into the previously rendered image if more samples are needed in order to reduce the noise level, or to recover from unintended job stoppage. Volume Rendering. MoonRay supports rendering of participating media such as fog, fire, smoke, clouds, and dust.
How to download from or contribute back to the GitHub repository for DreamWorks Animation's open-source MoonRay Production renderer. Home About FAQ Documentation License Download. Download. The openmoonray repository on GitHub is the top-level repository for MoonRay opensource. The actual source code is contained in a number of other ...