AutoScout24 wählt mediarithmics für fortgeschrittene Data-Lösungen und treibt so den Fortschritt weiter voran Der führende europäische Online-Automobilmarktplatz AutoScout24 stellte fest, dass die Leistungsfähigkeit seiner digitalen Plattform ausgebaut werden musste, um die Nutzer des digitalen Contents von AutoScout24 (Desktop, Mobile ...
Downloadables - Today's and tomorrow's next-gen Data Platform | mediarithmics
The mediarithmics platform has been designed from the start to overcome these structural difficulties and introduce a new model: the data-first marketing cloud. In this model, the data gathered in a single datamart are shared by all applications and users. Both mediarithmics and partner applications access the same source of truth for ...
mediarithmics and Easyence merge. Read. Contact. Login. Your latest insights on data-driven retail & media marketing. We help media companies, retailers, and consumer brands make the most of millions of customer data points daily to supercharge revenue. AdTech.
mediarithmics and Easyence merge. Read. Contact. Login. We Unleash The Business Potential of Your Data Ecosystem. We do so by reconciling data, technologies, silos, business needs, then improving their marketing efficiency and their MarTech effort, providing scalability, exhaustivity, synchronicity, customization, compatibility, all in one SAAS ...
Data model
A schema is applied to a datamart and defines what mediarithmics should index and make available through queries. Each schema is a Graph Query Language schema defining an object tree index that will allow you to run fast Object Tree Query Language queries to search users.