Kokelaan käyttöympäristön ohje, joka näytetään kokelaalle Firefox-selaimella ja - digabi/koe-ohje
Digabi Digabi-Os
Abitti Disk Image (formerly DigabiOS) is a collection of Linux distributions maintained by the Finnish Matriculation Examination Board (MEB). The distributions are based on Debian GNU/Linux and used for disk images distributed for the matriculation examination environment called Abitti.
Digabi Rich-Text-Editor
Rich text editor has been developed to allow candidates of Finnish Matriculation Examination to attach screenshots and write equations as part of their submissions. Our aim is not to create a general-purpose drop-in replacement for textarea but an editor which works in Abitti and its embedded browser.
Digabi Maps
You may test map tiles locally by creating a maps directory to the root of the project and adding your map tiles there. You can then load them by editing the contents of the public directory. By default the project includes urls to the same maps used in and in the exams. These maps can currently be found from the aws tabs.
Issues · Digabi/Ytl-Linux · GitHub
An easy-to-install Linux to run virtual exam server (KTP) - Issues · digabi/ytl-linux
Issues · Digabi/Exam-Engine · GitHub
Toolkit for creating exams for the Abitti exam system, by Matriculation Examination Board, Finland - Issues · digabi/exam-engine