If you were a jackrabbit in the desert, you'd be glad to stumble across a cactus: the flesh of these plants is a water source for many animals. Known for their spines and succulent stems, cacti of all shapes and sizes have evolved to not just survive, but thrive, in some of the harshest desert climates on Earth. So how do they do it? LucasC.Majure shares the prickly plant's unique adaptations.
Discover the adaptations that allow cacti to not only survive, but thrive, in some of the harshest desert climates on Earth. --If you were a jackrabbit in th...
If you were a jackrabbit in the desert, you'd be glad to stumble across a cactus: the flesh of these plants is a water source for many animals. Known for their spines and succulent stems, cacti of all shapes and sizes have evolved to not just survive, but thrive, in some of the harshest desert climates on Earth. So how do they do it? LucasC.Majure shares the prickly plant's unique ...
If you were a jackrabbit in the desert, you'd be glad to stumble across a cactus: the flesh of these plants is a water source for many animals. Known for their spines and succulent stems, cacti of all shapes and sizes have evolved to not just survive, but thrive, in some of the harshest desert climates on Earth. So how do they do it? LucasC.Majure shares the prickly plant's unique ...
Nature'sfortress_ Howcactikeepwaterinandpredatorsout - LucasC.Majure. TED-Ed. Follow. Like Bookmark Share. Add to Playlist. Report. 3 years ago; Discover the adaptations that allow cacti to not only survive, but thrive, in some of the harshest desert climates on Earth. Category.
The original 30 second video for Itt Van A Gumimaci the Hungarian version of I Am A Gummy Bear debuted on the internet in Celebrate the 10th anniversary of T...
The lesson "Nature'sFortress: HowCactiKeepWaterInandPredatorsOut" explores the remarkable adaptations of cacti that enable them to thrive in harsh environments, particularly deserts. Key features include modified leaves in the form of spines that minimize water loss and protect against predators, a thick waxy cuticle that reduces evaporation, and shallow roots that quickly absorb water ...