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    The map of AMC Theatres locations above comes from Scrape Hero, which provides detailed, up-to-date and accurate data on US and global business locations.. Here are the key details of AMC Theatres locations in each US state: Name: AMC Theatres Business Type: Cinemas Number of US locations: 557 Number of States With a Location: 43 Number of Cities With a Location: 451
  2. Limited time offer. While supplies last. There is a limited quantity of Code redemptions allowed in this promotion. Visit or the Fandango app between 12:01am PT on 2/7/25 and 11:59pm PT on 2/14/25, and buy at least three tickets to any movie showtime on 2/14/25, and use the Fandango Promotional Code VD25 ("Code") to get $2.14 off your purchase.
    2360 S Mt Zion Rd, Decatur, 62521, IL(217) 864-4272
  3. Specialties: Great stories belong here, with perfect picture, perfect sound, and delicious AMC Perfectly Popcorn™. At AMC Theatres, We Make Movies Better™. Get tickets now to begin your next adventure. Established in 1920. For more than a century, AMC Theatres has led the movie theatre industry through constant innovation. Now, AMC Theatres is the biggest movie theatre chain in the world ...
    6020 E. 82nd Street Indianapolis, IN 46250(317) 577-9538

    Aug 31, 2023We're all grinning like devils this morning. Well, if you're a Swiftie, that is. Taylor Swift, the Grammy-winning pop star who just launched the next leg of her economy-boosting Eras Tour, announced the tour is coming to theaters in North America Oct. 13, where fans can watch her upcoming concert film, aptly titled "Taylor Swift | The Eras Tour Concert Film."

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