1. 3 days ago嘿,歷史迷們👋!歡迎來到 "近代風雲傳",這裡是一扇通往中國近代歷史的大門,帶你回溯那段波瀾壯闊、跌宕起伏的歲月。在近代,中國經歷 ...
    Created by:近代風雲傳442 views13 min
  2. 4 days ago《時代革命》 2021金馬獎最佳紀錄片 時代革命的命題從一九八四年《中英聯合聲明》開始,電影的剪輯安排了好幾個章節,整部電影用兩個主要的角度來紀錄:一、用微觀的角度,紀錄參與的當事者之故事,與當事者們的感受。二、另一方面,用宏觀的角度看事件之起承轉合,以及對非現場的學者 ...
  3. talk.ltn.com.tw

    2 days ago影片最後以詩句「海空陸火仗吳鈎,如影隨形匯鐵流,以武止戈非好戰,王師德勝寄千秋」,並襯以台灣地圖,明顯傳達對台武力威脅的訊息,「吳鈎」為古代利刃,象徵軍事進攻;「如影隨形」則暗示解放軍對台行動無所不在,「以武止戈非好戰」則是典型的中共戰略話術,實際上為「先發制人 ...
  4. tuckercarlson.com

    Hungary's Viktor Orban is by far the longest serving head of state in Europe, and by this point has been vindicated on pretty much everything. So when he says that going forward it's Ukraine, not Russia, that may be the biggest threat to the west, it's worth paying attention.
  5. butteryourbiscuit.com

    1 day agoStep 1: In a large mixing bowl, add the box of yellow cake mix, the melted butter, and two eggs.Use a hand mixer to beat everything together until combined. Step 2: Line your baking dish with parchment paper or foil, and pour cake batter into the baking dish.Use a rubber spatula or the back of a spoon sprayed with nonstick cooking spray to smooth out the batter.
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