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    5 days ago新竹市發動罷免藍委鄭正鈐與涉貪停職市長高虹安的雙罷免已進行第一階段連署審查階段,預計月底會公佈審查結果,而鄭正鈐年前在各大路口懸掛 ...
  2. 1 day ago台中地檢署去年底偵辦警員取締交通違規改白單圖利案件,一口氣起訴涉案警員31人,以此杜絕地方上「積非成是」的關說陋習。(本刊資料照)圖文/鏡週刊台中地檢署去年底偵辦警員取締交通違規改白單圖利案件,一口氣起訴涉案警員31人,以此杜絕地方上「積非成是」的關說陋習,該案將於今 ...

    Hungary's Viktor Orban is by far the longest serving head of state in Europe, and by this point has been vindicated on pretty much everything. So when he says that going forward it's Ukraine, not Russia, that may be the biggest threat to the west, it's worth paying attention.

    Feb 8, 2025The Valentine's Event lasted from February 8th 2025 - February 22nd, 2025. It was a valentine-oriented event encouraging players to play with their valentines to earn rewards. To earn all the rewards, the player could play with a teammate to catch 5,000 fish in total. The player could continue to fish, but no further rewards would be given. If the player were to switch Valentines, the player's ...
  5. PNG is an image format known for its lossless compression, meaning it preserves all image details even when the file size is reduced. Although PNG is a lossless format, there are some methods that can introduce a form of lossy compression, typically by reducing the image's color depth or simplifying its palette.

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