1. 2 days ago年過70也能夠健康減脂!減重醫師蕭捷健過去曾分享一名71歲婦人的勵志故事,這名婦人患有糖尿病,長期面臨高體脂、內臟脂肪過高等問題,經過六 ...
  2. mirrormedia.mg

    1 day ago鏡傳媒以台灣為基地,是一跨平台綜合媒體,包含《鏡週刊》以及下設五大分眾內容的《鏡傳媒》網站,刊載時事、財經、人物、國際、文化、娛樂、美食旅遊、精品鐘錶等深入報導及影音內容。我們以「鏡」為名,務求反映事實、時代與人性。
  3. tw.news.yahoo.com

    Today日前中國有位醫師在全國性的健美大賽上贏得多組項目的冠軍,原先體重為97.5公斤的他,在賽前42天嚴格控制飲食,每天上班與下班前都做1小時訓練 ...
  4. health.setn.com

    1 day ago一名71歲婦人患有糖尿病,想要增肌減脂。減重醫師蕭捷健表示,婦人經過6週的飲食控制,改掉「清淡飲食」,不僅體脂降了5.5%,內臟脂肪11.6降到9.6,體重也「順便」瘦了快4公斤。
  5. tuckercarlson.com

    Hungary's Viktor Orban is by far the longest serving head of state in Europe, and by this point has been vindicated on pretty much everything. So when he says that going forward it's Ukraine, not Russia, that may be the biggest threat to the west, it's worth paying attention.
  6. kyweathercenter.com

    2 days agoIt's 36 hours later, and we're still picking up the pieces from the flooding in south central Kentucky. Here in central Warren County, I recorded 6¼ inches of rain in 24 hours, and although my property was spared, the same isn't true for many of our friends and neighbors.
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