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  1. 85°C 以「咖啡、蛋糕與烘焙」經典組合,深耕全台都會商圈與鄉間小鎮。堅持「物超所值」的初衷,分享精緻蛋糕與美味烘焙,搭配健康食尚飲品。展臂迎接新食紀,遇見85°C 「Daily Cafe」,由手中的咖啡、麵包與蛋糕,為您傳遞溫暖,共享人生真味
  2. — 全台#85度c 85度c推出新品啦!亞洲風味宇宙系列 另外還有推出長條蛋糕第二件五折等優惠 一起來看看吧! - 生椰厚拿鐵 南瓜奶香包 厚椰乳滑順的口感 搭配濃郁的咖啡 濃醇順口 奶香包有淡淡南瓜香氣 蓬鬆軟q 還不錯 北海道生乳蛋糕 北海道紅茶拿鐵蛋糕 北海道生乳餡 吃起來香濃可口...
  3. Jan 8, 2025春節快到了,過年禮盒、走春伴手禮要趁早買~我喜歡包裝精緻又美味的平價禮盒,這次介紹給大家500以下、1000以下、1000以上的禮盒推薦,讓大家送禮體面、不踩雷又不傷荷包,並以長輩、朋友、男女、老幼適合的禮盒為主,希望讓大家一次購足長輩、朋友的春節禮盒,更附上親身真實的試吃體驗文 ...
  4. Jan 7, 2025我們特別收集了網路上 16 款人氣過年禮盒 ── 從經典茶系與烏魚子禮盒、別出心裁的甜點組合,或是專為蛇年設計的限定包裝禮盒,都是不會出錯且彰顯送禮得體的選擇,今年過年禮盒就從這裡找靈感。

    Feb 8, 2025The Valentine's Event lasted from February 8th 2025 - February 22nd, 2025. It was a valentine-oriented event encouraging players to play with their valentines to earn rewards. To earn all the rewards, the player could play with a teammate to catch 5,000 fish in total. The player could continue to fish, but no further rewards would be given. If the player were to switch Valentines, the player's ...

    2 days agoAs the cold front crosses the state early Sunday morning, we turn the faucet off as cold winds crash in from the northwest. A period of light snow is likely right behind the front with snow showers kicking in during the afternoon and taking us into Sunday night across central and eastern Kentucky.

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