Time for a detailed sound demo of the UltraAnalogVA-3, the newest Synthesizer plugin from AppliedAcousticsSystems from Canada. VA-3 is already the third ...
Save 50% on new UltraAnalog licenses and get 3 sound packs of your choice, for free! Ends 26th October 2021!https://www.timespace.com/collections/applied-ac...
AASUltraAnalog VA-3+Packs - UltraAnalogVA-3 is a near-perfect model of an analog synthesizer with familiar features that you will be able to get to grips with right from the get-go and some new, unique features that set this plug-in apart and make it worthy of any musician or producers attention, novice or seasoned professional. Flexibility is key with VA-3 offering you a two-oscillator ...
Here's the Unified Factory Library for AASUltraAnalogVA-3. I have re-categorised some things to be more in line with other Unify libraries but I always find that there's some subjectivity involved. For example, cymbals, hihats, kicks etc are now under the DRUM category but I have retained the AAS category in the Unify tag field.
Price aside, I'm personally battling between the AASUltraAnalogVA-3, and the Spectrasonics Stylus RM. My primary instrument is piano, and between my Yamahas, Rolands, and various plugins, I think I have enough pianos to allow me to look at other softwares besides the Synthogy Ivory II (plus, not sure but I think the 12 month renewable ...
Seeking opinions on UltraAnalogVA-3 for Moog-style sounds. I can take advantage of a $49 upgrade offer at the moment. I also already have quite a few of the VA-3 sound packs from AAS, so it would be nice to tweak those to a deeper extent. I've been revisiting Tangerine Dream, Klaus Schulze and Tomita albums from the 70s and have a hankering ...
This preset collection can be used with the free AAS Player plug-in as well as the UltraAnalogVA-3analog synthesizer.Bank link: https://www.applied-acoust...
Features. Home View - A distraction-free and laid-back browsing and tweaking experience; Two-Voice Multitimbral - Two independent timbres stacked or split allow for performance-friendly, texture-rich and spacious sounds; Macros - UltraAnalogVA-3 includes four performance macros per layer that respond to user-defined MIDI controls. Each and every included sound features modulation ...
AASUltraAnalogVA-3Analog Orchestra flute patches? VST, AU, AAX, CLAP, etc. Plugin Virtual Instruments Discussion ... I tried to use the concert flute patch found in the Analog Orchestra library for AASUltraAnalogVA-3 synth today and found that there is an annoying plosive or popping sound at the onset of every note. Once you hear it you ...
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