Feb 10, 2023A few days ago I posted a short survey on Reddit asking Pathfinder2e players and GMs to rate each of the 10 published AdventurePaths on a simple 1-5 scale. At the time of writing, I have received 60 responses to the survey which amount to a total of 222 AdventurePath ratings. I'm publishing the initial data here but I will leave the survey open to continue to collect more responses. If ...
Hey folks! A couple of weeks ago I posted a simple survey asking you fine people to rate each AdventurePath (AP) you've played on a scale from 1-5. 60 people have responded with their ratings so I've decided to post the initial results. The survey is still open for anyone who wants to add their own ratings. I've provided the initial results for the survey here and will update it if more ...
This time around I improved classification algorithm. Adventures that don't directly mention an adventurepath in the title are now classified by AI based on their description. This still isn't perfect and a small number of adventures may be misattributed (looking at you, Triumph of the Tusk), but in general it's very solid.
Images for -Every Pathfinder 2e Adventure Path, Ranked@news.google.com
- Outlaws of Alkenstar is great for a fun, flavorful and fast-paced urban adventure with very strong villains - Strength of Thousands is a fun, roleplay-heavy adventure with a cool setting - Fist of the Ruby Phoenix is a great combat-focused adventure with some nice plot escalation and a cool cinematic feeling
In this video I'll be ranking the APs I've ran throughout my PF2e career from worst to best. Remember this list is subjective and I'm sure you'll have a diff...
Pathfinder2eAdventurePaths Ranked. The main course up front: Here are the 10 published PathfinderAdventurePaths (APs) ranked from least to most popular based on data pulled from across the internet! ... Pathfinder2eAdventurePath Survey Results. A few days ago I posted a short survey on Reddit asking Pathfinder2e players and GMs to rate ...
Feb 8, 2023The survey is very basic - Simply rate each 2eadventurepath you've played or GMed on a scale from 1-5. If you haven't played/GMed a particular path then just leave that question blank. You should be able to view a summary of the responses after you submit yours, but I'll also share the aggregated results on this forum once I've put all the ...
Jul 29, 2024PathfinderAdventure, AdventurePath, Lost Omens, Starfinder AdventurePath Subscriber Quest for the Frozen Flame so far has been my favorite Pathfinder2e AP and what got me into running PF2 APs. Exploring northern tundra is one of my favorite campaign premises and Quest definitely delivers.
Oct 29, 2023Many of these monsters are positioned as guards for buildings, which is pretty useless in majority-undead environment. A common house rule is apparently to have them deal cold damage against undead, but I feel like I shouldn't have to house rule a published adventurepath focused on the undead to account for the presence of the undead.
If so, please post your ratings here so they may be tallied for in a final posting that will show the results for all the adventurepaths. Please rank Shattered Star on a scale of 1-10 for each of the following categories (half points allowed): 1) GM Ease of Play: This category relates to how ready to play "out of the box" an adventurepath is.
Searches related to -Every Pathfinder 2e Adventure Path, Ranked@news.google.com