The presidentialcampaign of businessman RossPerot held a news conference in Dallas, Texas to announce the naming of the co-chairs for Mr. Perot's fall campaign. Mr. Luce announced that Hamilton ...
Videos for -Ross Perot Second Presidential Campaign
June 14, 1992 Road to the White House 1992 Marrou Campaign Speech. 1992 Presidential candidate for the Libertarian Party Andre Marrou. Mr. Marrou was born in Nixon, TX in 1938 and has a d…
The 1992 presidential election cycle featured incumbent President George H.W. Bush, a Republican; Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton, the Democratic nominee; and bus...
Oct 10, 1992After watching Perot's 30-minute commercial on TV (Oct. 6), it's obvious he should be asking the other two candidates questions during the presidential debates. Perot Re-Enters Presidential Race ...
I noted that 1) Perot was either in first or second for much of the early campaign, 2) his issues resonated with a large section of Americans, especially in the states he needed to win, 3) only relatively minor things would've needed to change; namely Perot running a slightly more competent campaign, him not dropping out midway (which massively ...
Our hypotheses for exploring the content of presidential announce ment addresses stem from voting behavior and campaign strategy theories. If speeches reflect a candidate's campaign strategy, then the content of campaign speeches should depend on the context of the campaign and the factors that guide individual voting decisions.3 The
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is reportedly set to announce his secondpresidentialcampaign.Yahoo News reported Friday night, citing two people with direct knowledge of his plans, that Sanders&…
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