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  2. federalreserve.gov

    As of the 2022q1 release, the DFA separately calculates wealth for the top 0.1 percent of the wealth distribution and the next 0.9 percent of the wealth distribution. These two groups are summed to produce the top 1 percent in the data visualizations, but are available separately in the downloadable _detail.csv files.
  3. federalreserve.gov

    The Lorenz curve also provides a means to decompose wealth across types of households, such as households of different races. The top-left panel of Figure 3 takes the same Lorenz curve as in Figure 2 (the solid black line just above the shaded regions) and splits it into the fraction of wealth held by White/non-Hispanic households (blue), Black/non-Hispanic households (yellow), Hispanic/Latino ...
  4. federalreserve.gov

    These interactive charts and tables allow users to explore the level, composition, and share of U.S. household wealth held by five percentile groups of wealth: the top 0.1 percent, the remaining 0.9 percent of the top 1, the next 9 percent (i.e., 90th to 99th percentile), the next 40 percent (50th to 90th percentile), and the bottom half (below ...
  5. federalreserve.gov

    B. Wealth coverage. The SCF does not sample the Forbes 400 families, as disclosure concerns would negate the possibility of releasing any of their information as part of the public-use microdata. However, we use a method described in Bricker, Hansen, and Volz (2019) to add the wealth of these families to the SCF wealth concentration estimates and complete the upper-tail population coverage in ...
  6. federalreserve.gov

    Nov 2, 2023The Federal Reserve Board of Governors in Washington DC. Note: The income, asset, and liability data used to make these charts are the public versions of those used in this article, and were created using this program.The article and program also contain variable definitions. For more information on how the asset, debt, and net worth variables are related, please consult this flowchart.
  7. federalreserve.gov

    The Federal Reserve Board of Governors in Washington DC. Disclaimer: The economic research that is linked from this page represents the views of the authors and does not indicate concurrence either by other members of the Board's staff or by the Board of Governors. The economic research and their conclusions are often preliminary and are circulated to stimulate discussion and critical comment.
  8. federalreserve.gov

    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. The Federal Reserve, the central bank of the United States, provides the nation with a safe, flexible, and stable monetary and financial system.
  9. federalreserve.gov

    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. Source: Federal Reserve Board, 2019 Survey of Consumer Finances. Notes: Figure shows mean asset composition of Bottom 50 wealth percentiles, 50th-90th percentiles (Next 40), 90th-99th wealth percentiles (Next 9) and wealthiest 1 percent (Top 1), 1989-2019.

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