The Silk Road, a series of ancient trade routes stretching across Central Asia to Europe, evokes exotic images of camel trains laden with bales of fine Chinese silk, spices, and perfume, of desert oases surrounded by snow-capped mountains, of bustling markets thronging with travellers buying and selling grapes, coriander, Baltic amber, and Mediterranean coral.
Francis Wood has clearly digested a wealth of historical data and translated those into a book which one would like to read in one sitting -- which is an inhuman undertaking given the sheer joy and shock of all the little anecdotes, background facts and human insights included in this captivating book. Buy Vs. Rent Tool will tell you if buying or renting The Silk Road: Two Thousand Years in the Heart of Asia textbook makes more sense. Sell, Buy, or Rent ISBN 9780520243408 with confidence.
The Silk Road, a series of ancient trade routes stretching across Central Asia to Europe, evokes exotic images of camel trains laden with bales of fine Chinese silk, spices, and perfume, of desert oases surrounded by snow-capped mountains, of bustling markets thronging with travellers buying and selling grapes, coriander, Baltic amber, and Mediterranean coral.
The Silk Road: Two Thousand Years in the Heart of Asia by Wood, Frances - ISBN 10: 0520243404 - ISBN 13: 9780520243408 - University of California Press - 2004 - Softcover
Find the best prices on The Silk Road: Two Thousand Years in the Heart of Asia by Frances Wood at BIBLIO | Paperback | 2004 | University of California Press | 9780520243408 This website uses cookies. We value your privacy and use cookies to remember your shopping preferences and to analyze our website traffic.
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ISBN 10: 0520243404 / ISBN 13: 9780520243408. Published by University of California Press, 2004. New Condition: new Soft cover. Save for Later. From Front Cover Books (Denver, CO, U.S.A.) AbeBooks Seller Since November 9, 2021 Seller Rating. View this seller's items. Quantity: 1. View ...
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