Persónuverndarstefna Fornleifastofnunar Íslands gildir um allar þær persónugreinanlegar upplýsingar sem stofnunin kann að safna gegnum vef FSÍ eða með öðrum rafrænum samskiptum.
Upp Á Yfirborðið
Publisher: The Institute of Archaeology, Iceland. In 2011 the Institute of Archaeology published a collection of 21 articles on various themes in Icelandic archaeology written by archaeologists working for and associated with the Institute. The articles are written in Icelandic with an English summary.
Archaeologia Islandica Archaeologia Islandica (ArchIs) Archaeologia Islandica is the first and only venue specially dedicated to aspects of Icelandic archaeology and provides a forum for the wider dissemination of such work to the international community. The scope of the journal covers any aspect of archaeology (landscape studies, archaeozoology, material culture, etc.) relating