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  2. encyclopedia.com

    Little is known about the early life of Livius Andronicus, who was born around 280 b.c.e. He likely came to Rome as a teacher of Greek and Latin sometime in the mid-third century b.c.e. in the household of one Livius Salinator, from whom he took the family name "Livius" after being freed.
  3. encyclopedia.com

    Latin Poetry Before the Augustan AgeLatin Epic Poetry.The Latin epic begins in 240 b.c.e. with Livius Andronicus, a Greek from Tarentum, modern Taranto on the south coast of Italy, which had been founded as the Greek colony of Taras and fell into Roman hands after Rome's war with Pyrrhus. Source for information on Latin Poetry before the Augustan Age: Arts and Humanities Through the Eras ...
  4. encyclopedia.com

    chapter eight THEATERLisaRengoGeorge Source for information on Ancient Greece and Rome 1200 B.C.E.-476 C.E.: Theater: Arts and Humanities Through the Eras dictionary. Skip to main content . EXPLORE. EXPLORE. Earth and Environment; History; Literature and the Arts ... Livius Andronicus … 377 Lycoris … 377 Menander … 378 Gnaeus Naevius ...
  5. encyclopedia.com

    His family name is known from historical records as a plebeian rather than noble name and he was certainly a Roman citizen, not a freedman like his contemporary Livius Andronicus. He served in the Roman army during the first Punic War (264-241 b.c.e.) and began writing for the stage afterward, with his first production in Rome in 235 b.c.e.
  6. encyclopedia.com

    Roman Theaters, Playwrights, and ActorsStructure of the Roman Theater.The Romans did not construct a permanent theater until Pompey sponsored one in 55 b.c.e. Instead, as the Roman architect, engineer, and writer Vitruvius (last half of first century b.c.e.) described, the Romans built temporary wooden structures as performance spaces, and continued to do so even after the advent of permanent ...
  7. encyclopedia.com

    Books 1-5. There is emphasis in the preface and throughout the narrative on the theme of foundation and re-foundation. Livy's first book, which lays the groundwork for the remainder of the history, is a testament to those notions: Rome is founded through "august augury," or divine omens, when the legendary twin brothers Romulus and Remus compete to see favorable signs from the birds.
  8. encyclopedia.com

    Roman TheaterBeginnings.The Roman historian Livy, writing of the years 364-363 b.c.e., related that there was plague in Rome. Since neither human remedies nor prayers to the gods abated the plague, the Romans introduced musical shows in the hopes of entertaining them. Etruscan dancers were brought in who danced to a piper's tune. Rome already had a comic tradition; at the harvest home ...
  9. encyclopedia.com

    The Golden Age of Latin Literature Under Augustus New Climate of Opinion. The civil war—which started when Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon River in 49 b.c.e. and ended when Caesar's heir, Octavian, defeated Mark Antony and Cleopatra at the Battle of Actium in 31 b.c.e.—ended the era of literature of the late republic and started the Augustan Age. . The poet Horace fought as a staff ...
  10. encyclopedia.com

    In 1764 Johann Joachim Winckelmann (1717-1768), a German art theorist, laid out the fundamental principles of Classicism in his book Geschichte der Kunst des Altertums (The History of Ancient Art). According to Winckelmann, the ancient Greeks embodied the universal natural laws in their art, and "moderns" could do no better than to ...
  11. encyclopedia.com

    Individuals with a vested interest in education describe the nature of the ancient Roman curricula and the quality of instruction. ... The Greek playwright Livius Andronicus was brought from Tarentum to Rome, where he translated the works of Homer and Greek plays. Plautus and Terence were also active during this era and wrote comedies in Latin ...

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