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    Abstract. Chapter 2 argues that through his historical works, Sallust emerges both as the advocate of an understanding of virtus that expanded the sense he had inherited of what it meant to be a good Roman and as the promoter of the idea of the contestability of virtus in the ideological struggles of the late republic. It also gives an assessment of Sallust's profound influence on the moral ...
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  4. academic.oup.com

    Abstract. This chapter presents the perspective on late Republican socioeconomic life of the major Roman historian of the era, Sallust. Sallust makes proportionally far more mentions of greed and debt than any other Roman author, showing that the effects of socioeconomic conduct were important in his view of how the political culture he was analyzing worked.
  5. academic.oup.com

    Classical Studies. Browse content in Classical Studies; Classical History; Classical Philosophy; ... Classical Art and Architecture. Classical Oratory and Rhetoric. Greek and Roman Papyrology. ... This paper is a study of the evidence of Sallust on Crassus and his political career and allegiances, as well as his relationship with Catilina. ...
  6. academic.oup.com

    The fact that a man such as Jugurtha could rise to power by buying Roman military and civil officials reflected a moral crisis in Roman politics. Sallust's account of the nobles' tactics in conducting the war, the rise of the homo novus, Marius, and the beginnings of Sulla's career are particularly effective at showing how Romans sought ...
  7. academic.oup.com

    Classical Studies. Browse content in Classical Studies; Classical Philosophy; ... Sallust accepts the Roman aristocratic view that glory is the primary goal of human endeavour, cf. Earl, ... a variation of Hippocrates' aphorism that 'life is short, the art is long' (Sen. Brev. Vit. 1.1). The stress on intellectual achievement, here and at ...
  8. academic.oup.com

    I think it is a fine coincidence that Michael worked on Sallust and I on virtue. Sallust tries to present a new and broader definition of virtue, the many ways in which it could be exercised, and especially the virtue of the historian trying to match words and deeds. Among many other things, Michael taught me that as well.
  9. academic.oup.com

    If credence is to be given to Sallust, Bestia belonged to the original nucleus and membership of the great conspiracy. His name is registered, one of the eleven senators who, along with four Roman knights and a company of anonymous adherents, were convoked by Catilina in the summer of 64 and stimulated by a fervid and revolutionary address. 3
  10. academic.oup.com

    Some omissions in Sallust's list, such as P. Sulla, are also discussed, as well as the sources from which Sallust drew his information. Keywords: Roman history , Roman Republic , Cicero , Crassus , Roman politics , prosopography , social history , Catilina
  11. academic.oup.com

    Sound Studies; Performing Arts. Browse content in Performing Arts; Dance; Theatre; Philosophy. ... [Sallust], Cic 3 Notes. Notes. 13 More on the Clientelae of the Patrician Claudii ... Ancient Roman History Ancient History (Non-Classical, to 500 CE)
  12. academic.oup.com

    Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies, Volume 2, Issue 1, December 1955, ... 38. Sallust avoided both words. Cicero changed: before his exile he did not disdain the title popularis himself, ... Journal of Roman Studies XLII (1952), 114-16. (14)
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