American Literature › author › louisa-may-alcott
Psyche's Art
But those who can conceive of a world outside of a wedding-ring may believe that the friends remained faithful friends all their lives, while Paul won fame and fortune, and Psyche grew beautiful with the beauty of a serene and sunny nature, happy in duties which became pleasures, rich in the art which made life lovely to herself and others, and ...
On Picket Duty
Take heart, Thorn, you may not wait in vain, and she may yet return to you." "I know she will! I've dreamed of it, I've prayed for it; every battle I come out of safe makes me surer that I was kept for that, and when I've borne enough to atone for my part of the fault, I'll be repaid for all my patience, all my pain, by finding her again.
Despondency, a Poem by Louisa May Alcott. Despondency was written by Ms. Alcott as a young teenager in 1845, when she just wanted a room of her own, rather than "more people coming to live with us." She grew up in a healthy religious environment, did not doubt or question faith, fought evils, and trusted in the sure power of right in order to "smile through the darkest hours."
The Skipping Shoes
"Go on, my dear, making up little stories, and by and by you may be as famous as Hans Christian Andersen, whose books you like so well." "The sun will soon set, and then my fun will be over; so I must skip while I can," thought Kitty, and went waltzing round the lawn so prettily that all the family came to see her.
Marjorie's Three Gifts
(1899) Marjorie sat on the door-step, shelling peas, quite unconscious whata pretty picture she made, with the roses peeping at her through thelattice work of the porch, the wind playing hide-and-seek in hercurly hair, while the sunshine with its silent magic changed herfaded gingham to a golden gown, and shimmered on the bright tin panas if it were a silver shield.
Rosy's Journey
This short story appeared in The Louisa May Alcott Reader: A Supplementary Reader for the Fourth Year of School in 1908. Enjoy reading it with your family. Enjoy reading it with your family. Rosy was a nice little girl who lived with her mother in a small house in the woods.