The Pulitzer Prize-winning poet Sharon Olds discusses sex, religion, and writing poems that "women were definitely not supposed to write," in an excerpt from her Art of Poetry interview with Jessica Laser. Olds also reads three of her poems: "Sisters of Sexual Treasure" (issue no. 74, Fall-Winter 1978), "True Love," and "The Easel."
Jan 2, 2025For all his literary fecundity, Ezra Loomis Pound was also more than a little bonkers. The Bughouse: The Poetry, Politics, and Madness of EzraPound by Daniel Swift. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 320 pages, $27. By Matt Hanson. EzraPound is the Zelig of literary modernism.
In addition to appraisals of Pound's career as a poet, polemicist, impresario, and correspondent in publications such as The Cambridge Companion (Cambridge UP, 1999), EzraPound in Context (Cambridge UP, 2010), and David Moody's three-volume biography, EzraPound: Poet (Oxford UP, 2007, 2014 and 2015), a growing number of recent monographs ...
ESSAY-REVIEWS LINDA WELSHIMER WAGNER MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY THE POETRY OF EZRAPOUND-Earle Davis. Vision Fugitive: EzraPound and Economics. University Press of Kansas, 1968. 212 pp. $6.95.-Eva Hesse, ed. New Approaches to EzraPound. University of Cali-fornia Press, 1969. 406 pp. $8.50.-Thomas H. Jackson. The Early Poetry of EzraPound.
EzraPound's Comparative Poetics : Modernism EzraPound is widely considered one of the most influential poets of the 20th century; his contributions to modernist poetry were enormous. He was an early champion of a number of avant-garde and modernist poets; developed important channels
articulate a defense of a wider approach to literature, they struggle to develop a tangible approach to such an ideal. By examining EzraPound's critical approach to poetry, especially in The Cantos, an applicable visualization of a global approach to literature becomes more transparent. Keywords: EzraPound, deep time, world literature,
This collection provides a documentary record of the reviews of EzraPound's work in contemporary journals and newspapers, an introduction that traces the public outrage and controversy that characterized Pound's reception, and checklists of all known reviews of Pound's work. Most of the major poets and critics of the twentieth-century reviewed ...
EzraPound: Poet. A Portrait of the Man and his Work. Volume 1: The Young Genius, 1885-1920. ... but is also able to explain that the course emphasised the relation of Italian literature to European thought ... This level of biographical detail is matched by the substantial and perceptive analyses of Pound'spoetry: six pages each on the ...
American poet, EzraPound (1885-1972). Massimo Bacigalupo's interdisciplinary approach, combining literature with other disciplines, finds parallels in the poetic method of EzraPound, whose magnum opus, The Cantos, embraces a wide variety of interests, ranging from humanities to science. Bacigalupo attempts to create his
Between 1914 and 1933, EzraPound edited four anthologies of poetry: Des Imagistes, Catholic Anthology, Profile, and Active Anthology.These compilations arose out of crucial stages of Pound's career in the teens, when he reacted against Victorian poetry, and in the 1930s, when he acted as a spokesperson for the modernist movement.
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