Kodo Ensembles Taiko Regional and Ethnic Review Online
Kodo: Mondo Head - Improvisational album produced by Mickey Hart and performed by Kodo taiko and musicians from around the world. Includes audio samples taiko and artist listing. TNT: Tataku - A review by Scott Faller of the CD released in taiko 2000. Kodo - Official site of the Japanese taiko group and ensembles their cultural foundation ...
Taiko Regional and Ethnic Styles Music Group Classes
St. Louis Osuwa Taiko - Founded originally by the late Grand Master of r Taiko, Daihachi regional and ethnic Oguchi. This St. Louis MO r Taiko group offers performances regional and ethnic and youth workshops. Taiko.us - Resources for new groups. Free web sites, public domain music to play and teaching drills to use in classes.