provides in detail the disseminationandcommunicationactivities performed during the third and final year of the project. Due to the 6-month project's extension, this Deliverable, previously planned at M36 (December 2019) has been postponed to M41 (May 2020) to better reflect the DisseminationandCommunicationactivities.
Final ReportonCommunicationActivities Deliverable 5.5 WP 5 - Communicationanddisseminationactivities T5.3 Communication Plan Grant agreement: 825998 From December 2018 to May 2022 Prepared by: Céline Suchet (EUREC) Date: 20/06/2022 Final ReportonCommunicationActivities Deliverable 5.5 WP 5 - Communicationanddisseminationactivities
This document provides an overview of the CommunicationandDissemination (C&D) activities carried out as part of the Geological Service for Europe (GSEU) project from September 2022 to January 2024. The reportis aligned with the Communication, Disseminationand Exploitation (CDE) Strategy and Action Plan v1.
D4.3 Intermediate ReportonCommunicationandDissemination Actions (I) Page 10 of 36 2. Reporting of disseminationactivities, channels and promotion tools The current section describes all the actions implemented by DocksTheFuture in relation to the CommunicationandDisseminationactivitiesand setting-up of channels and promotion tools
the Communication & Dissemination Strategy and Action Plan of e-shape (deliverable D6.1, D6.3). The main objective of this deliverable is to highlight how the impact of the e-shape project was maximized through the communication, disseminationand engagement activities.
• Chapter 2 is a final reportoncommunicationanddissemination action plan which was implemented during the period January 2023 - April 2023. • Chapter 3 presents the evaluation of the communicationactivities during the reporting period of the project • Chapter 4 is an epilogue of CommunicationandDisseminationActivities. 2.
ReportonCommunication, Dissemination, and Impact of Project Activities This project has received funding from the European Union [s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 773901. v EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This deliverable gives an overview of the communicationanddissemination (COMDISS) activities of
This report presents a summary of disseminationandcommunicationactivities carried out until M24 in the COGNITWIN project. The project has been disseminating its results in various such as modes publications (in journals, books, and conference proceedings ) and presentations in various events such
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